Discography - Amazon fundraising update, Q3 2006
Just about a year ago, I established an associates account with amazon, going primarily from my discography page (http://bruce.orel.ws/discography.html). Any amazon.com sales generated by people navigating to amazon from my site generates commissions, that amazon eventually sends my way. As I noted at that time, anything that comes my way from amazon.com will be turned over to charity, on a quarterly basis, doubled by a match from me. All selected charities will be from the set of charities documented at http://bruce.orel.ws/charities.html. During Q3 2006, a total of 68 items were sold by amazon off links from the site. Total commissions for the quarter were $52.29, more than tripling the previous high. With rounding, this quarter's donation+match is $100.00. I have selected Musicians on Call ( http://www.musiciansoncall.org/ ) this quarter's commission + match. Musicians On Call was originally founded as a division of the Kristen Ann Carr Fund; its objective is to b...