
Showing posts from November, 2006

Discography - Amazon fundraising update, Q3 2006

Just about a year ago, I established an associates account with amazon, going primarily from my discography page ( Any sales generated by people navigating to amazon from my site generates commissions, that amazon eventually sends my way. As I noted at that time, anything that comes my way from will be turned over to charity, on a quarterly basis, doubled by a match from me. All selected charities will be from the set of charities documented at During Q3 2006, a total of 68 items were sold by amazon off links from the site. Total commissions for the quarter were $52.29, more than tripling the previous high. With rounding, this quarter's donation+match is $100.00. I have selected Musicians on Call ( ) this quarter's commission + match. Musicians On Call was originally founded as a division of the Kristen Ann Carr Fund; its objective is to b...

Gonna grab my trombone and blow

Went to the Palace last night to see Bob Dylan , and thoroughly enjoyed it. I had clued in to the pre-sale early enough to land 11th row seats, that always helps, though Lori's knee isn't good enough to let her stand the entire show. Some observations: His voice, recently described to me as now coming from a man with a stuck Harley-Davidson in his throat, sounded great. The Harley was humming throughout, and the phrasing was sublime. Sure, he doesn't have the range, and he missed some low notes on Tangled Up in Blue ... which meant, he played Tangled Up in Blue . I mean, come on, he was up there playing Tangled Up in Blue , and it sounded fucking fantastic. He can miss a couple low notes. Bob Dylan & the Just Shut Up and Play Band . This band should have a name, and that's mine. Dressed all in black, and everyone except the steel guitar player with a hat. The violinist who accompanied Dylan at the Masonic in 2005 (Elana Fremerman) was gone, but otherwise it was...