The Wise Men Are All Fools
The song "Last to Die" was just broadcast on The Today Show Sunday Edition. On the initial mp3's that passed around earlier this month, I liked the song, didn't really love it. But live, it just slaughtered. Maybe it was different because the sound was so clear or the voice so upfront in the mix so I could understand the words, but it just seemed to me to be the most powerful damn thing I've heard from Bruce in about... I dunno, forever. Even with the audience shots of folks clapping along, having a "good" time. Just so many lines in the song that leap out. Kids asleep in the backseat, maybe a reminder of "Seeds," with a different kind of numbness and rage. Today falls during the festival of Sukkoth , when traditionally the biblical text Koheleth (Ecclesiastes) is read. Koheleth asked, "What advantage does the wise man have over the fool?" Well... what if the (self-proclaimed) wise men are fools? Do we then just hear the cri...