The Discography and Amazon, 2007 Q1

In late 2005, I established an associates account with amazon, going primarily from my discography page. Any sales generated by people navigating to amazon from my site generates commissions, that amazon eventually sends my way.

As I noted at that time, anything that comes my way from will be turned over to charity, on a quarterly basis, doubled by a match from me. All selected charities will be from the set of charities documented at

During Q1 2007, a total of 58 items were sold by amazon off links from the site. Total commissions for the quarter were $49.01. With rounding, this quarter's donation+match is $100.00.

While I had considered going to a single charity going forward, recent tragic events made the choice of recipient very easy. I have selected Joan Dancy and PALS Support Group as this quarter's recipient. The donation is made in memory of Terry Magovern. PALS is a grassroots organization that helps and provides assistance, services and programs that support ALS patients and their families. PALS also aims to aid patients by loans of equipment, to award direct monetary grants to ALS patients and/or their families, to enlarge the body of ALS knowledge, to educate the general public on the disease and to encourage scientific research for the prevention, alleviation, care, treatment and cure of ALS patients.

Unfortunately, there website for Joan Dancy and PALS is still incomplete, and does not include online donation capability. To donate by check, send to:
Joan Dancy and PALS Support Group
Riverview Hospital
1 Riverview Plaza
Red Bank, N.J. 07701

Since I started the amazon association, more than 450 items have been sold at Amazon via links from These sales resulted in total donations of more than $900. A listing of the results by quarter is available at

Thanks to everyone who has participated!
Results for Q2, along with the next recipient, will be up in a couple months.



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