COVID-19 Compilation: Part 36 - December 1 - December 5, 2020

On March 14th, I began posting COVID-19 updates to my facebook page, regarding the status of the COVID-19 pandemic. I have used data from worldometer as a primary source for daily and cumulative data, with frequent supplementation from various national and local sites. 

Notables this week:

  • The USA single day death record broke prior records from April
  • Deaths were up nearly 50% in the USA week over week
  • Outside the USA, cases were flat and deaths went down
  • For the month of November, cases were up in all 50 US states

This blog post compiles the period of December 1st through 5th. see for more


Today's counts
Location Total Cases Cases Today Total Deaths Deaths Today
World 64.18 million 578,530 1.486 million 11,894
USA 14.11 million 182,276 276,979 2,614

After falling for the 5 days of the Thanksgiving weekend (Monday reports reflect Sunday totals for many states), the 7-day rolling averages for both cases and deaths rose in the USA today.

The USA death count today was the highest since the record 2,744 on April 21st, and is the 4th highest since the start of the pandemic.

Yesterday marked the end of the 10th month since the pandemic picked up outside of China. The attached table shows the countries with the highest case counts during November, along with their death counts, and the daily average change for both cases and deaths during November. The data should be pretty self-explanatory.

I'll look at some US numbers tomorrow.
World COVID-19 Cases and Deaths, November 2020
World COVID-19 Cases and Deaths, November 2020


Today's counts
Location Total Cases Cases Today Total Deaths Deaths Today
World 64.84 million 641,829 1.498 million 12,396
USA 14.32 million 206,073 279,911 2,873

The rise in daily US deaths is not a great surprise, considering the extent to which cases have gone up over the past several weeks.

Still, the USA single-day record for deaths, set back on April 21st, was broken today. 7 individual states also set single-day records including Illinois with 266 deaths.

Continuing with the November recap: In the United States, cases more than doubled on a daily basis as compared to October. and more than tripled as compared to September.

Cases went up in every state in November. 36 states and DC more than doubled their case rates in November. Every state except Hawaii had a rise of at least 45% in the case rate in November.

COVID-19 deaths went up in 44 states and DC in November. 21 states more than doubled their death rates in November.

The table below shows the cases and deaths, along with the percentage change, for each state.
Cases and deaths in the USA by state, November 2020
Cases and deaths in the USA by state, November 2020


Today's counts
Location Total Cases Cases Today Total Deaths Deaths Today
World 65.53 million 688,333 1.511 million 12,835
USA 14.54 million 220,643 282,833 2,922

All of the daily markers hit new records today, for the first time since I adapted this presentation style.

If the US briefly had an inflection point, well... that's gone. Perhaps some of that is due to reporting delays over the Thanksgiving weekend, and it makes sense to consider these two weeks together. However, that does not change the basic narrative: the situation is bad across much of the United States.

10 states set new records for cases today, including California becoming the first state to report more than 20,000 cases in a day (technically, that report was yesterday, but worldometer timing puts it in today's summary).

5 states set new records for deaths today, and 8 states recorded more than 100 deaths. New York and Colorado both recorded more than 100 deaths on a single day for the first time since April.

Current COVID-19 hospitalizations in the USA are now over 100,000, also a record.


Today's counts
Location Total Cases Cases Today Total Deaths Deaths Today
World 66.21 million 686,876 1.524 million 12,166
USA 14.77 million 237,372 285,574 2,742

Eleven states set new single day records for COVID-19 cases today.

47 states plus DC have set new single day records for COVID-19 cases over the past 22 days. The outliers, in case anyone cares, are Florida, Hawaii and New York.


Today's counts
Location Total Cases Cases Today Total Deaths Deaths Today
World 66.84 million 626,385 1.534 million 10,186
USA 14.98 million 208,790 287,825 2,251
This week's counts
Location Total Cases Percent Change Total Deaths Percent Change
World 4.25 million +4.5% 75,692 +5.6%
USA 1.37 million +17.8% 15,550 +49.0%

The number that jumps off the page, of course, is the USA deaths number, which rose by nearly 50% week over week.

Clearly, in terms of the overall case and death numbers, last week was a frighteningly awful week, with several daily records set in both the USA and worldwide for cases and deaths.

26 US States and DC set daily records for cases at least once during the week, and 17 US states set daily COVID-19 death records.

But... the USA has not resumed an exponential growth in cases or deaths. The large rises this past week are due at least in part to reporting delays during the Thanksgiving weekend, and the two-week pattern remains one that shows sign of an impending peak. What we don't know, yet, is the impact of Thanksgiving itself. That will be revealed over the next several weeks.

The graphs below show USA and World weekly trends in cases and deaths.
World and USA COVID-19 cases and deaths, by week
World and USA COVID-19 cases and deaths, by week


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